March Against Corruption

The March Against Corruption an international campaign to raise awareness about the corrupting influence of money and special interests in governance and public policy making; to provide a forum for people, to organize and speak out against corruption; and to educate the public about the consequences of corruption.

Progressively speaking, this is what reaching critical mass look like.



Why Do Banks Make So Much Money?

How can banks make so much money while most of the rest of the world dwells in debt and poverty? Well, since the system is closed and money cannot run out into space, the question becomes quite simple, doesn’t it? They drain it out of the system for themselves. Banks not only create money, while protected by governmental legislation, they are given the control of our economies which they use, by rule, for their own profit. Health, education, science… if it’s not profitable, it’s not important in their agendas.


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Positive Money is a not-for-profit research and campaign group. They work to raise awareness of the connections between our current monetary and banking system and the serious social, economic and ecological problems that face the UK and the world today. In particular they focus on the role of banks in creating the nation’s money supply through the accounting process they use when they make loans – an aspect of banking which is poorly understood. Positive Money believe these fundamental flaws are at the root of – or a major contributor to – problems of poverty, excessive debt, growing inequality and environmental degradation.

Audit the FED!

Ben Swann explains how the US House of Representatives passed the historical legislation HR459, AKA Audit the FED and addresses its creation, purpose and place in the US Economy scene.

Purpose of the FED:

1. Stop competition from newer banks, especially banks on the western part of the U.S.

2. To obtain a franchise to create money out of nothing for the purpose of lending.

3. To get control of all the reserves of other banks so that reckless banks wouldn’t be over run.


5. To convince congress that the purpose was to protect the public.


United States of the… Bank of America?

Welcome to the United States of the Bank of America. Forget the President, Congress and Supreme Court – all signs point to the big banks really having the power in the U.S. Here’s the evidence:

1. Banks Write the Laws

You know how U.S. citizens are clamoring for better laws to regulate the dastardly banks? Well, who better to write these new laws than the banks themselves? Last week, the House Financial Services Committee approved a bill that was almost entirely written by Citibank. 70 of the bill’s 85 lines were taken from Citibank’s suggested legislation. After all, why should Congress do its job to draft meaningful reform when private interest lobbyists are happy to do it for our elected officials?

As Neil Barofksy, who served as the Treasury Department’s Special Inspector General during the bank bailouts, points out, banks crafting legislation is hardly new. “It’s only surprising in that we don’t learn from our mistakes and history just repeats itself,” he says.

2. Banks Don’t Follow the Laws

Hey, they’re the ones writing the laws… you don’t honestly expect them to have to actually follow these rules, too, do you? When one study found that 1 out of 4 Wall Street executives claimed that breaking the law was actually “necessary” in order to run their businesses, that should give everyone an idea of how the banks view the law of the land.

Why bother to follow the law when they’re not on the hook, anyway? Corporate tax loopholes allow large banks to simply write off any settlements they should have to pay for their wrongdoing. Believe it or not, these fines are considered a “deductible corporate expense” come tax time, so the punishments end up being inconsequential.

3. Bankers Are Too Big to Jail

We’ve all heard that not a single Wall Street bigwig has gone to jail for their numerous crimes (while thousands of protesters have been arrested for pointing out this fact). Finally, Attorney General Eric Holder gave the United States an explanation for this lack of prosecution. What was once just assumed is now an acknowledged fact: the Department of Justice has considered the potential economic impact of pressing criminal charges against bankers and decided against it.

I seem to recall a point in recent years when these same banks’ illegal practices really did cause an economic collapse. So how does sending someone to prison make the situation any worse? Holder’s words also send a clear message to banks that they can do whatever they want in the future. Too big to fail also means too big to jail. When the U.S. government is scared of YOU, that’s a sign that you’ve got the power in the situation.

4. The Government Keeps the Banks’ Secrets

Despite having a President who has promised unprecedented transparency, the banks’ dealings with the government have been kept pretty hush-hush. David Barr, an FDIC spokesman, said that they don’t reveal most of the private settlements with banks after they do wrong, but “declined to discuss the legal strategy behind the Deutsche Bank deal and other no-press-release agreements.”

The obvious theory would be the government is protecting the banks by limiting the public from understanding the extent of their wrongdoing. Furthermore, the government is also probably protecting itself from having to reveal the minuscule slap-on-the-wrist fines it imposes for these major infractions.

5. Banks Are Hijacking Citizen’s Property

Have you stopped by to welcome the new homeowners in your neighborhood yet? Probably not: they’re the banks. So far the banks have foreclosed on (and now own) 1.5 million homes across the country. It’s a number that continues to rise, particularly with foreclosure looming for an additional 11 million homeowners who owe the banks more than their houses’ actual value.

What’s worse is that the majority of the bank foreclosures are conducted improperly if not outright fraudulently. Still, the government has done more to protect the banks for this shady practice than its newly homeless citizens who are powerless with little legal recourse even when the banks are at fault. It turns out that the recent legislation that was purportedly designed to prevent the underhanded foreclosures still includes plenty of loopholes for the banks to do it anyway.


This article was (apologies!!) “copy-pasted”  in full from the original article by Keith Matthews simply because there was nothing more to add, especially since the author points out the facts through the links along the text…  Here is one of the main precursors for the deep wealth inequality that is destroying United States’ economy in the past years, which understandably leads to social unrest.

As the socioeconomic elite gathers more and more of the total wealth and the people are stripped of their property as well as their basic rights to life, work and the search of happiness, the social problems are only going to deepen. While every government, regulation and politic is for sale, the only value that will govern the world is the illusory concept of profit. Not the things that actually matter like peace, compassion, quality of life, clean air or overall happiness – the better interests of the populations that governments have vowed to minister – no. Governments serve corporations not people and, unfortunately for us all, the said elite included, money is the great ruler of mankind.